Analysis of Ethylene Oxide at Low Part-Per-Trillion Levels by GCMS Utilizing a Next Generation, Non-Cryogenic Preconcentrator with Multi-Capillary Column Traps to Reduce Background Interferences for Improved Method Detection Limits Ethylene Oxide is a highly toxic chemical that increases carcinogenic, reproductive, and developmental risks eave at part per trillion levels. The EPA recently increased its […]
OVERVIEW A new preconcentrator design is presented which eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen or complicated electronic cooling while performing US EPA Method TO15 analysis . A new technology called Multi-Capillary Column Trapping System (patent pending), or MCCTS, is used to concentrate all TO15 compounds at 35°C, which is achieved simply by using cooling fans. […]
INTRODUCTION Canister sampling and analysis for measurement of volatile chemicals is finding use in a growing number of diversified applications. This includes analysis of VOCs in Ambient Air, Indoor Air, Vapor Intrusion, Soil Gas, Landfill Gas, Stack Gas, Fixed Gas Cylinder Purity, and others. As the EPA Method TO15 market continues to grow, there is an increasing need to improve laboratory throughput. Reducing cycle […]
The Combination of 3 New Sampling Techniques Paired with GCMS for Determination of Uptake Rates and Accurate Monitoring of SVOC Endocrine Disruptors in Indoor Air
Overview A new preconcentrator design is presented which eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen or complicated electronic cooling while performing US EPA Method TO15 analysis. A new technology called Multi-Capillary Column Trapping System (patent pending), or MCCTS, is used to concentrate all TO15 compounds at 35°C, which is achieved simply by using cooling fans. Two […]
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