Flow Professor™ Calibration System
The best solution for low level EPA TO-15 monitoring
Introducing the all-new Flow Professor™, the easiest and most accurate way to calibrate your Entech CS1200E field samplers. The Flow Professor™ automates the complete calibration process for sampling into canisters as small as 450mL and as large as 15L. From within the easy to navigate Flow Professor™ software, simply set canister size, sampling duration, and the remaining canister vacuum desired at the conclusion of sampling (typically 2” Hg) then attach the Flow Professor™ to the front of the CS1200E and select Start Calibration from the software menu. The Flow Professor™ system proceeds to automatically adjust the flow setting of the CS1200E to obtain the ideal flow rate, every time. Attempting to achieve such precise calculations and flow controller adjustments manually would be difficult and time-consuming at best. The Flow Professor™ makes it all easy!
CS1200E Calibration Software
Low-Level TO-15 monitoring requires consistent analyte recovery while collecting the maximum sample volume possible to support larger preconcentration volumes or repeat analyses from the same canister. The CS1200E will reliably fill canisters at a constant rate with the better-demonstrated recovery of TO-15 compounds than any other sampler.

Flow Professor Brochure
Introducing the all-new FlowProfessor™, the easiest and most accurate way to calibrate your Entech CS1200E field samplers. Using the latest CS1200E technology updated in 2014, the FlowProfessor™ automates the complete calibration process for sampling into canisters as small as 450mL and as large as 15L.