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Headspace Extraction & Analysis
VASE – Vacuum Assisted Sorbent Extraction for Headspace by GC-MS
Flash-VASE – For Matrices w/Low Volatility
FEVE – Analysis of SVOCs in Aqueous Matrices
Thermal Desorption
Air & Gas Sampling & Handling
Air Sampling Canisters
Silonite™ Coated Canisters for Volatiles Sampling
Silonite™ Coated Minicans for Volatiles Sampling
Inert Bottle-Vacs for Economical Volatiles Sampling
Time Integrated Sampling
VOC Breeze Smart Air Sampler
CS1200 Time Integrated Canister Sampling Flow Controller
Field Deployable Multi-Canister Time Integrated Sampling System
TM1200 Canister Sampling Timer for Individual Canisters
Flow Professor: Flow Controller Calibration System
Helium Diffusion Sampling
HDS Personal Monitors for Workplace Monitoring
Large Volume Helium Diffusion Sampling Solutions
Soil Gas & Vapor Intrusion Sampling Solutions
Ultra-Inert Sampling Valves
Micro-QT Quick Connect Valves
TrueSeal Valve – Ultra-Inert Volatiles Canister Valve
Air Lab Instruments & GC-MS Introduction
Preconcentrators & Autosamplers
7200A – Accelerated Volatiles Preconcentrator
7200CTS – Cryogen-Free Volatiles Preconcentrator
7200CTS/7650-M – Million-Air Autosampler & Cryo-Free Preconcentrator
7200A/7650-M – Million-Air Autosampler & Preconcentrator
Canister Autosamplers
7650-01 Robotic Canister Autosampler
7650-M Robotic Canister Autosampler
7650-L20 Robotic Loop Injection Autosampler
7016D Canister Tower Autosampler
Canister Cleaning Systems
3100D Canister Cleaning Systems
Gas Standards Preparation
4700 Precision Static Dilution System
Silonite Inert Coating Solutions
Environmental Sampling Analysis
Outdoor Air Pollution/Ambient Air
Ambient Air Monitoring TO-15/TO-14A
Landfill Gas
Refinery Gas (Sulfur Gas)
Emergency Response
Agricultural VOCs from Pesticides
Industrial Hygiene/Indoor Air
Vapor Intrusion & Sub Slab
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) & Mold
Industrial Hygiene
Personal Exposure Monitoring
Soil & Water Contamination
FEVE – Full Evaporate Vacuum Extraction
Soil Gas Testing
Site Remediation
Ground Water / Surface Water Testing
Environmental Forensics – Illegal Dumping
Food & Fragrance
Food & Beverage (Flavor & Aroma)
Most of what is perceived as flavors in foods are actually the aromas and odors that are being detected by our sense of smell. The human nose is far more sensitive to most flavor and odor compounds than are GCMS systems, so proper detection, identification and quantitation of these compounds requires sample enrichment.
Fragrance R&D
Food Packaging & Safety
Industrial & Manufacturing Applications
Siloxanes & Biogas (Landfill Digesters)
Volatile siloxanes can cause considerable damage to power generation equipment through the build-up of silicon dioxide created from combustion at burners. Siloxanes coat turbine blades and heat exchangers degrading performance and eventually causing failure.
Material Emissions & Product Safety
Chemical emissions from plastics, textiles, carpets, building materials, and any other natural or synthetic products all combine to add volatile chemicals to the air in indoor environments.
Electronic Manufg/Clean Rooms
Due to their size (.2~3.0 nm), AMCs can pass through ulta-low particulate air filters. AMC’s are of great concern to any sensitive micro-electronics manufacturing process, especially in nano-technology applications.
Homeland Security & Military Applications
Chemical Weapons Detection
Exhaled breath not only contains high concentrations of carbon dioxide and water vapor, but also contains a signature of all chemicals in the blood that have at least some vapor pressure to allow their exchange from the blood into the exhaled breath through the alveoli in the lungs.
Weapons Source Investigation
Exhaled breath not only contains high concentrations of carbon dioxide and water vapor, but also contains a signature of all chemicals in the blood that have at least some vapor pressure to allow their exchange from the blood into the exhaled breath through the alveoli in the lungs.
Criminal Investigation
Arson & Crime Investigation
MiniCansTM and Bottle-VacsTM allow accelerant extraction from debris the same day, rather than waiting 24 hours required for classical charcoal strip passive transfer and solvent extraction, with 10 to 100 times greater sensitivity!
Drug Lab Detection
MiniCansTM and Bottle-VacsTM allow accelerant extraction from debris the same day, rather than waiting 24 hours required for classical charcoal strip passive transfer and solvent extraction, with 10 to 100 times greater sensitivity!
Detection of Drugs of Abuse in Breath
MiniCansTM and Bottle-VacsTM allow accelerant extraction from debris the same day, rather than waiting 24 hours required for classical charcoal strip passive transfer and solvent extraction, with 10 to 100 times greater sensitivity!
Clinical Science
Disease Biomarkers in Breath (Metabolomic VOCs)
Exhaled breath not only contains high concentrations of carbon dioxide and water vapor, but also contains a signature of all chemicals in the blood that have at least some vapor pressure to allow their exchange from the blood into the exhaled breath through the alveoli in the lungs.
Disease Biomarkers in Blood, Saliva, Urine (Metabolomic VOCs)
VASE’s unique approach for extracting low volatility chemicals for direct injection into a GCMS is opening new possibilities into the detection of specific disease-related volatile and semi-volatile markers.
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Air & Gas Sampling
Air Sampling Canisters
Air Sampling Hardware & Valves
Air Sampling Accessories
Application Specific Sampling Solutions
Air Lab Sample Prep & GC-MS Introduction
Canister Autosamplers
Canister Calibration Systems
Canister Cleaning
Manual Sample Preparation & Extraction Systems
Sample & Standards Dilution
Sample Preconcentration
Sample Transfers
Headspace Extraction & Analysis
VASE – Vacuum Assisted Sorbent Extraction
Micro-QT & Tool-Free Solutions
Male Micro-QT to Compression
Male Micro-QT to Tube & Misc.
Male Micro-QT Bulkhead & Inst Fitting
Male Micro-QT Valves for Bottles & Headspace Vials
Female Micro-QT to Compression
Female Micro-QT to Tube & Misc
Female Micro-QT Bulkhead & Inst Fitting
Female Micro-Valves for Field Sampling
Micro-QT Valve Kits & Gauges
Ultra Inert Silonite Coating
Treated Tubing
High Pressure Valves
High Pressure Cylinders
Valco Valves
Capillary Injection Liners
Calibration Standards (cylinders)
Entech now provides multiple standard cylinders with no overlapping compounds. Start with the TO-14a Standard, then addon the particular TO-15 compounds required to meet your needs.
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1900 Multi-Canister Sampling System
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