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HDS Personal Monitors

The HDSTM Personal Monitor features the ability to sample at a much lower rate than conventional badges and tubes. The collection of far less sample on a weight basis is one of the reasons why the HDSTM Personal Monitor allows for greater stability of chemicals, especially in a multi-chemical matrix, as bimolecular reaction rates are concentration dependent.

* All Monitors (Helium + Bromofluorotoluene 1 PPM)

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Product Description

Why is the HDSTM Monitor so sensitive?

The HDSTM Personal Monitor features the ability to sample at a much lower rate than conventional badges and tubes. The collection of far less sample on a weight basis is one of the reasons why the HDSTM Personal Monitor allows for greater stability of chemicals, especially in a multi-chemical matrix, as bimolecular reaction rates are concentration dependent. During the analysis, a much larger “percentage” of the sample is utilized, making up for the decreased sampling rate. A comparison of badges and HDSTM Personal Monitors is shown below. The chart details the amount actually injected into the GCMS when analyzing 10cc from an HDSTM Personal Monitor.

Additional Information

Weight 1 lbs

15 Minute HDS™ Personal Monitors*, 15 Minute HDS™ Personal Monitors* (4 Pack), 1 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors*, 1 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors* (4 Pack), 2 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors*, 2 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors* (4 pack), 4 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors*, 4 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors* (4 Pack), 8 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors*, 8 Hour HDS™ Personal Monitors* (4 pack), HDS™ Personal Monitor Holder

Sampling Method

Helium Diffusion Sampling

Personal Monitor