All studies represented by the chromatogram below have been conducted utilizing Vacuum Assisted Sorbent Extraction & Headspace Sorbent PensTM

The most versatile extraction and sample preconcentration technology available for GC and GCMS systems. Sorbent PensTM combine the features of SPME and classical ¼” adsorbent traps in a design with far more flexibility and enhanced performance. The Sorbent PenTM uses an entirely new approach for sample extraction.

Milk analysis by VASE & Headspace Sorbent Pens


Instrument: 5800 HSP
Run date: February 28, 2017
Sample description: Whole Milk
Amount of sample: 0.5mL
Sample conditions: 40mL vial with 15 hours equilibration at 25°C 100RPM, preheat for 45 seconds
Dersorb conditions: 260°C for 5 min.
Split Mode: Split 6:1
Precolumn: DB1 5m length x 0.25mm ID, 0.25μm film
Column: DB1 30m length x 0.25mm ID, 0.5μm film
Carrier: He, 1.5cc/min. constant flow
Oven Temp: 40°C hold 5 min., 10°C/min. to 325°C, 325 hold 5 min. (solvent delay at 6 min.)
GCMS: Agilent 7890B/5977A
MS Operation: 34-450 amu, 2 scans/sec
Pen ID: (Tenax) 411-0000084

1. Formic acid
2. Acetic acid
3. 2-Furanmethanol
4. Isomaltol
5. Maltol
6. 4H-Pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-
7. Benzoic acid
8. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural
9. n-Decanoic acid
10. Dodecanoic acid
11. n-Hexadecanoic acid
12. Oleic Acid
13. Octadecanoic acid
14. Cholesterol