Method TO-15

Volatile Organic Compounds (polar/non-polar) from Canisters by GC/MS

This procedure outlines the steps for sampling and analysis of select volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a list of 97, which are part of the 189 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) recognized in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. VOCs, as described in this procedure, are organic substances with a vapor pressure exceeding 10-1 Torr at conditions of 25°C and 760mm Hg. It is relevant for VOCs found at levels higher than 0.5 ppbv in the atmosphere. When targeting a specific group from the 97 VOCs mentioned in Title III, refer to the TO-15 guidelines.

This procedure is commonly employed for environmental air assessments tied to the authorization process for sources of emissions. Approved solid adsorbents can be utilized, provided they adhere to the TO-17 performance standards.

Samples are gathered in pre-certified, empty stainless steel containers. For pressurized collection, a pump can be utilized to ensure the canister remains positively pressurized. Analysis of the gathered sample is conducted using GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry).

Method Data

Hold Times, Preservatives, Preps, Collection, Analytical & Documentation
Holding Time:  30 days from sample collection to analysis.
Preservatives:   None specified in the method.
Required Preps: Stainless steel canister with the option of a flow controller.
Collection Method:   TO-15
Analytical Methodology:  GC/MS

Analyte List*

AnalyteFormulaCAS NumberDetection Limit
EthylbenzeneC8H10100-41-40.5 ppbv
StyreneC8H8100-42-50.5 ppbv
Benzyl chlorideC7H7Cl100-44-70.5 ppbv
p-XyleneC8H10106-42-30.5 ppbv
1,4-DichlorobenzeneC6H4Cl2106-46-70.5 ppbv
1,2-EpoxybutaneC4H8O106-88-70.5 ppbv
EpichlorohydrinC3H5ClO106-89-80.5 ppbv
1,2-DibromoethaneC2H4Br2106-93-40.5 ppbv
1,3-ButadieneC4H6106-99-00.5 ppbv
AcroleinC3H4O107-02-80.5 ppbv
Allyl chlorideC3H5Cl107-05-10.5 ppbv
1,2-DichloroethaneC2H4Cl2107-06-20.5 ppbv
AcrylonitrileC3H3N107-13-10.5 ppbv
Chloromethyl Methyl EtherC2H5ClO107-30-20.5 ppbv
Vinyl AcetateC4H6O2108-05-40.5 ppbv
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK)C6H12O108-10-10.5 ppbv
m-XyleneC8H10108-38-30.5 ppbv
TolueneC7H8108-88-30.5 ppbv
ChlorobenzeneC6H5Cl108-90-70.5 ppbv
PhenolC6H6O108-95-20.5 ppbv
HexaneC6H14110-54-30.5 ppbv
bis(2-Chloroethyl)etherC4H8Cl2O111-44-40.5 ppbv
Propane sultoneC3H6O3S1120-71-40.5 ppbv
PyrocatecholC6H6O2120-80-90.5 ppbv
1,2,4-TrichlorobenzeneC6H3Cl3120-82-10.5 ppbv
TriethylamineC6H15N121-44-80.5 ppbv
DimethylanilineC8H11N121-69-70.5 ppbv
Propionaldehyde (Propanal)C3H6O123-38-60.5 ppbv
1,4-DioxaneC4H8O2123-91-0.5 ppbv
ChloropreneC4H5Cl126-99-80.5 ppbv
TetrachloroetheneC2Cl4127-18-40.5 ppbv
Cresol (All Isomers)C7H8O1319-77-30.5 ppbv
Xylenes (total)1330-20-70.5 ppbv
Ethyl AcrylateC5H8O2140-88-50.5 ppbv
EthylenimineC2H5N151-56-40.5 ppbv
Methyl tert-butyl etherC5H12O1634-04-40.5 ppbv
DiazomethaneCH2N2334-88-30.5 ppbv
Carbonyl sulfideCOS463-58-10.5 ppbv
FormaldehydeCH2O50-00-00.5 ppbv
UrethaneC3H7NO251-79-60.5 ppbv
Isooctane (2,2,4-Trimethylpentane)C8H18540-84-10.5 ppbv
1,3-DichloropropeneC3H4Cl2542-75-60.5 ppbv
bis-Chloromethyl etherC2H4Cl2O542-88-10.5 ppbv
Carbon tetrachlorideCCl456-23-50.5 ppbv
1,1-DimethylhydrazineC2H8N257-14-70.5 ppbv
beta-PropiolactoneC3H4O257-57-80.5 ppbv
Vinyl BromideC2H3Br593-60-20.5 ppbv
N-NitrosomorpholineC4H8N2O259-89-20.5 ppbv
MethylhydrazineCH6N260-34-40.5 ppbv
Methyl IsocyanateC2H3NO624-83-90.5 ppbv
AnilineC6H7N62-53-30.5 ppbv
N-NitrosodimethylamineC2H6N2O62-75-90.5 ppbv
Sulfuric acid, diethyl esterC4H10O4S64-67-50.5 ppbv
MethanolCH4O67-56-10.5 ppbv
ChloroformCHCl367-66-30.5 ppbv
HexachloroethaneC2Cl667-72-10.5 ppbv
N,N-DimethylformamideC3H7NO68-12-20.5 ppbv
N-Nirtoso-N-MethylureaC2H5N3O2684-93-50.5 ppbv
BenzeneC6H671-43-20.5 ppbv
1,1,1-TrichloroethaneC2H3Cl371-55-60.5 ppbv
BromomethaneCH3Br74-83-90.5 ppbv
Chloromethane (Methyl chloride)CH3Cl74-87-30.5 ppbv
Methyl iodideCH3I74-88-40.5 ppbv
ChloroethaneC2H5Cl75-00-30.5 ppbv
Vinyl chlorideC2H3Cl75-01-40.5 ppbv
AcetonitrileC2H3N75-05-80.5 ppbv
AcetaldehydeC2H4O75-07-00.5 ppbv
Methylene chlorideCH2Cl275-09-20.5 ppbv
Carbon disulfideCS275-15-00.5 ppbv
Ethylene oxideC2H4O75-21-80.5 ppbv
BromoformCHBr375-25-20.5 ppbv
1,1-DichloroethaneC2H4Cl275-34-30.5 ppbv
PhosgeneCCl2O75-44-50.5 ppbv
PropylenimimeC3H7N75-55-80.5 ppbv
Propylene oxideC3H6O75-56-90.5 ppbv
Dimethyl SulfateC2H6O4S77-78-10.5 ppbv
IsophoroneC9H14O78-59-10.5 ppbv
1,2-DichloropropaneC3H6Cl278-87-50.5 ppbv
Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)C4H8O78-93-30.5 ppbv
1,1,2-TrichloroethaneC2H3Cl379-00-50.5 ppbv
TrichloroetheneC2HCl379-01-60.5 ppbv
AcrylamideC3H5NO79-06-10.5 ppbv
Acrylic acidC3H4O279-10-70.5 ppbv
Monochloracetic Acid (MCAA)C2H3ClO279-11-80.5 ppbv
1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneC2H2Cl479-34-50.5 ppbv
Dimethyl carbamoyl chlorideC3H6ClNO79-44-70.5 ppbv
2-NitropropaneC3H7NO279-46-90.5 ppbv
Methyl methacrylateC5H8O280-62-60.5 ppbv
HexachlorobutadieneC4Cl687-68-30.5 ppbv
o-XyleneC8H1095-47-60.5 ppbv
o-CresolC7H8O95-48-70.5 ppbv
1,2-EpoxyethylbenzeneC8H8O96-09-30.5 ppbv
1,2-Dibromo-3-ChloropropaneC3H5Br2Cl96-12-80.5 ppbv
Cumene (Isopropylbenzene)C9H1298-82-80.5 ppbv
AcetophenoneC8H8O98-86-20.5 ppbv
NitrobenzeneC6H5NO298-95-30.5 ppbv

* The analytes and detection limits listed for each method represent the typical detection limits and analytes reported for that particular method. Keep in mind that analyte lists may vary from laboratory to laboratory. Detection limits may also vary from lab to lab and are dependent upon the sample size, matrix, and any interferences that may be present in the sample.