New Levels of Automated Analysis

The 7650 brings the automated analysis of MiniCans™, Bottle-Vacs™, and even large volume sampling canisters to a whole new level. Drawing upon the benefits of its predecessors, the 7650 is the first canister autosampler to facilitate the analysis of up to twenty, 1 to 1.4L canisters while maintaining samples in a completely closed and isolated state until required for analysis. This level of isolation greatly reduces the potential for carryover, making the 7650 an ideal choice for today’s soil gas laboratories. All samples, standards, and blanks, ow through the same direct, inert flow path, eliminating any problematic background level variations – a well-known challenge with rotary valve based autosamplers.

A Canister Autosampler with the amazing Precision you need for today’s demanding air analysis challenges

Compare the 7650s


The Ideal Autosampler

When paired with a 7200A Preconcentrator, the 7650 becomes an ideal autosampler solution for today’s laboratories that must routinely analyze both high and low concentration samples. The 7650 also includes an easily accessible, generous array of inlet expansion ports in banks of 9, for the analysis of up to 18 larger canisters or Tedlar® bags.

The 7650 also has the ability to deliver sample canisters to an oven for heating up to 150°C prior to analysis for the recovery of higher molecular weight compounds.

High or Low Level Analysis

High or Low Level Analysis

The 7650 Autosampler features stand-alone loop analysis, or pair with the 7200A Preconcentrator for trace analysis.

Extended Range Air Analysis

Extended Range Air Analysis

The 7200A | 7560 System features a wide volume range (0.25 to 1000cc) for increased dynamic range without dilution. Directly handle PPM level samples without carryover. Supports single canister calibrations.

Toxic Organics Valve™ Compatibility

Toxic Organics Valve™ Compatibility

Now, add MiniCan™ autosampling for your canisters that use the popular TOV™ and Nupro® valves by simply attaching a MicroValve™ to the top of the sampler valve prior to analysis.

Analyze up to 20, 1L MiniCans/Bottle-Vacs

Analyze up to 20, 1L MiniCans/Bottle-Vacs

The 7650 holds 1 – 1.4L canisters in two, 10-position trays with intersample isolation far beyond that of rotary valve autosamplers

Direct Intet Robotics

Direct Inlet Robotics

The 7650 features a single inlet with a Silonite-D® coated and heated transfer line for the best possible sample isolation and analytical accuracy.

Sample Heating

Sample Heating

The 7650 canister autosampler can preheat a canister for improved recovery of heavier VOCs.

Silonite–D® Coated Inlet Lines

Silonite–D® Coated Inlet Lines

The 7650 1⁄16” heated Inlet line inserts directly into a canister’s MicroValve™ for a zero dead volume, secure sample connection.

Two Modes of Operation

Two Modes of Operation

Connect directly to a GCMS for loop injection analysis of 0.05–1000 PPM level samples, or in combination with a 7200A Preconcentrator to extend sensitivity to the sub-PPB range

Product Applications

HDS™ MiniCan™ and Bottle-Vac™ Analysis

Ambient Air

Landfill Gas

Mold Microbial VOC detection

HDS™ Personal Monitor

Ambient Air with volatiles

7650-01 Canister Autosampler Brochure

The 7650-01 brings the automated analysis of MiniCans™, Bottle-Vacs™, and even large volume sampling canisters to a whole new level. Drawing upon the beneifts of its predecessors, the 7650-01 is the first canister autosampler to facilitate the analysis of up to twenty, 1–1.4L canisters while maintaining samples in a completely closed and isolated state until required for analysis. This level of isolation greatly reduces the potential for carryover, making
the 7650 an ideal choice for today’s soil gas laboratories.

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